Written by: Rafael Lima, MD (NUEM ‘23) Edited by: Mike Conrardy, MD (NUEM ‘21) Expert Commentary by: Sean Bryant, MD
An estimated 10,000 patients visit emergency departments for snake bite injuries each year in the United States [1]. The number of snake bite occurrences an emergency department sees depends largely on the geographic area of practice. While there are known remedies for these incidents, snake bites can be devastating if not promptly managed, meaning emergency physicians should be knowledgeable in the subject. In this article, we review the common management of snake bite injuries and envenomations for the two major snake groups in the United States.
There are about 20 known venomous species of snakes in the United States. While most envenomations occur in the Southwestern United States, every region is home to at least one species of venomous snake [2]. Not all snake bites result in envenomation. At least 25% of venomous snake bites are dry. You should still suspect envenomation upon the patient’s initial presentation and rule it out by monitoring their clinical symptoms and progression.
Identification of the snake is useful in guiding management of care, but it should not be attempted if doing so poses any additional risk to the patient or provider. In the United States, venomous snakes generally fall under two categories: Crotaline/pit vipers in the Viperidae family, and coral snakes in the Elapidae family.
Crotaline (Pit Vipers)
This group of snakes has historically been responsible for the more severe envenomations between the two groups [3]. The WHO classifies pit vipers in CAT 1 of their venom database, describing them as highly venomous with high rates of morbidity and mortality [4].
Pit vipers generally have a triangular shaped head with heat-sensing “pits” located on the face. They frequently have a rattle on their tail, but not all pit vipers are rattlesnakes. Copperheads and cottonmouth snakes are also included in this group.
Crotaline venom causes localized tissue necrosis and congestive coagulopathy. This can be identified by a prolonged INR, PT, PTT, and thrombocytopenia. Additionally, the viper venom can cause capillary and cellular membranes to increase in permeability. Large amounts of venom can cause diffuse vaso-extravasation and hemolysis that can lead to hypovolemic shock and DIC if untreated.
CroFab is the antivenom of choice for cotaline envenomation. It is a polyvalent antivenom, meaning it contains antibodies derived from the venom of multiple different species of snakes. Administration is titrated based on clinical and symptom response.
The venomous Elapidae snake in the United States is the coral snake. There are less severe envenomations from coral snakes compared to pit vipers. This is a result of how venom is administered between the two groups: pit vipers have venom glands that inject venom directly through the fangs, while coral snakes rely on passive seeping of venom through their glands while they chew.
Source: Tad Arensmeier from St. Louis, MO, USA
Coral snakes can be identified by their brightly colored rings extending along the length of the whole body. Usually, every other ring is yellow, separating the wider red or black rings in between. The common saying “red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, venom lack” has been been used to differentiate between venomous coral snakes and their harmless look-alikes in North America. A further level of differentiation is how far the rings extend circumferentially around the snake. Rings encircle the entire body in venomous coral snakes, while harmless look-alikes do not have the red coloration on the ventral side [5].
Source: Dawson at English Wikipedia
Venomous bites by coral snakes usually elicit little to no pain. This is because the Elapidae venom acts upon the neuromuscular junction and inhibits acetylcholine receptors. Clinical manifestations are predominantly neurological. Envenomation can cause lethargy, confusion, salivation, cranial nerve palsies, and respiratory paralysis. Symptoms are usually delayed, up to 12 hours from the initial bite. Coagulopathy and tissue necrosis does not happen with coral snake venom [2]. Unfortunately, the Elapidae antivenom is no longer manufactured in the United States and there is a limited supply available.
ED Work Up
As in all patients who present to the emergency department, first ensure that airway, breathing, and circulation are intact. All suspected snake bite injuries warrant a prompt toxicology or poison center consult.
Sometimes, patients will bring in a dead or decapitated snake for identification in the emergency department. DO NOT attempt to handle a snake the patient brought in for identification, even if it is dead. Many snakes have intact reflexes that are preserved even after death or decapitation and you can still be bitten and envenomated by a dead snake!
Examine the injury and look for clear fang marks or puncture wounds. Get a history focused on the timing of the injury, medication allergies, and description of the snake, if known. The borders of erythema should be measured and marked serially.
Laboratory work-up is focused on assessing coagulopathy and hemolysis, especially if the snake is a confirmed pit viper or is unknown. Obtain CBC with platelet count, PT, PTT, INR, fibrinogen, and D-dimer. It is also important to check a baseline set of electrolytes with a basic chem panel, assess the extent of myonecrosis with a CK, and assess for renal damage with a UA.
Manage the wound with copious irrigation and exploration for retained foreign bodies (ie. fangs or teeth). Inquire about the patient’s tetanus status and administer if they are not up to date. Do not attempt to tourniquet or suction venom out of the wound. There is no evidence for routine antibiotic use in snake injuries [6].
Crotaline Bite Management
Consider using CroFab antivenom if the local area of injury and erythema is expanding. If coagulopathy is detected, do not treat with heparin or FFP. Give antivenom first, as unneutralized venom will react with clotting factor replacements [2]. Patients with abnormal coagulation studies within 12 hours after CroFab administration are more likely to develop recurrent coagulopathy. In these patients, repeat coagulation studies should be obtained every 48 hours until resolved. If lab values are worsening, then antivenom retreatment should be reconsidered [7].
Observe the affected limb for compartment syndrome. If clinical suspicion is high for compartment syndrome, consider formally measuring compartment pressures. Elevate the affected limb, and administer extra vials of antivenom. Antivenom administration is preferred over fasciotomy in the treatment of compartment syndrome caused by Crotaline venom [8].
Crofab, the Crotaline antivenom, is typically administered in stepwise fashion and is titrated to clinical resolution of symptoms. Administer 4-6 vials of CroFab antivenom and watch for clinical improvement at the local site of injury. If no improvement seen, administer 4-6 more vials. Repeat until control is achieved, meaning a reversal of symptoms, such as erythema, swelling, pain. Then administer 2 vial doses 6 hours later, then 12 hours, then 18 hours. Envenomation patients should be monitored for at least 8 hours. Keep epinephrine and antihistamines nearby in case of anaphylaxis or allergy to antivenom [2].
Elapidae Bite Management
Because of their potential devastating neurologic effects, coral snake bites should be empirically treated with antivenom and monitored for respiratory deterioration. Provide good supportive care, including intubation and ventilation, if necessary. Avoid opioids for pain management as they may mask symptoms of impending neurologic manifestations. Patients with suspected coral snake envenomations should be monitored for 12 hours after the initial bite [2].
Expert Commentary
Thank you, Dr. Lima for bringing the important and timely topic of snakebites to the table by posting this excellent overview! Current poison center data (2018 National Poison Data System) indicate a total of 4,013 crotalid exposures with the majority being copperheads. While morbidity is worrisome, mortality was fortunately low in our country with only one fatality reportedly from a rattlesnake [1].
Prehospital snakebite management has been an area of deserved scrutiny. Limb immobilization, analgesia, and transport to a medical facility are critical actions. Tourniquets, pressure immobilization bandages, cryotherapy, electrotherapy, and incision/suction are not recommended and are likely harmful. One researcher discovered that venom extraction suction devices “just suck” [2]. Having a cell phone in the field is most important to prevent loss of limb or life!
In other regions of the world, capturing or killing the snake may be optimal in determining which species specific antivenom to administer. For North American crotalids, however, this practice is discouraged and exceedingly dangerous. Both CroFab and Anavip (recently approved and now marketed with the goal of reducing risks of late coagulopathy) are prepared from several species of North American crotalids and can be used to manage any crotalid envenomation. These contemporary antivenoms (Fab fragments) are safer than older polyvalent antivenom that resulted in high rates of anaphylaxis.
Consult your regional poison center (1-800-222-1222) or staff medical toxicologist when managing snakebites! For the number of snakebites that present to the emergency department, poison centers manage severalfold more each year. Making decisions regarding the management of a limb that resembles compartment syndrome (more antivenom vs. surgical consultation), the interpretation of laboratory results, redosing of antivenom to gain initial control of swelling, and the management of nonindigenous (e.g. cobras, gaboon vibers) pet snakebites are nuances your subspecialists would love to collaborate on!
1. Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Spyker DA, BrooksDE, Beuhler MC, RiversLJ, Hashem HA, & Ryan ML 2018 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 36th Annual Report, Clinical Toxicology, 2019;57:1220-1413.
2. Bush SP. Snakebite Suction Devices Don’t Remove Venom: They Just Suck. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2004;43:187-188.
Sean Bryant, MD
Assistant Director, Toxicology Fellowship Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cook County Health
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush Medical College
How To Cite This Post:
[Peer-Reviewed, Web Publication] Lima, R. Cornardy, M. (2020, Oct 26). Management of Snake Bite Injuries. [NUEM Blog. Expert Commentary by Bryant, S]. Retrieved from http://www.nuemblog.com/blog/snake-bites.
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