Author: Sarah Sanders, MD (EM Resident Physician, PGY-1, NUEM) // Edited by: Adnan Hussain, MD (EM Resident Physician, PGY-3, NUEM)
Citation: [Peer-Reviewed, Web Publication] Sanders S, Hussain A (2016, January 19). Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnancy. [NUEM Blog. Expert Peer Review by Courtney DM]. Retrieved from
Diagnosing a pulmonary embolism (PE) in a pregnant patient is a situation that requires clinicians to employ a high index of suspicion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PE in pregnancy accounts for 20% of maternal deaths in the United States (1). The presentation is complicated by the fact that symptoms commonly associated with PE in the non-pregnant population can be caused by normal physiologic changes of pregnancy.
A recent study by Gherman et al reviewed the most common presenting symptoms of PE. These included dyspnea (62%), pleuritic chest pain (55%), cough (24%), and sweating (18%) (2). However, Cahill and colleagues analyzed the association of common clinical presentations (chest pain, shortness of breath, O2 <95%, tachycardia, increased A-a gradient, and PaO2 <65mmHg) and the clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism, and found no statistically significant association of any clinical feature, or grouping of features, that was associated with the confirmed presence of PE (3). Thus, symptomatology is non-specific in the approach of working up a suspected pulmonary embolism in pregnancy. The clinicians’ clinical judgment is key to starting down the road of investigation.
To D-Dimer Or Not To D-Dimer?
In non-pregnant patients with a low pre-test probability, the D-dimer is an appropriate first step to rule-out PE. In pregnant patients, there is a physiologic increase in the D-dimer, thus the utility of this test in this population has been questioned. According to the American Thoracic Society, the recommendation is to not use a D-dimer to rule-out PE in pregnancy (4). The guidelines cite a study by Damodaram et al and found the D-dimer to have a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 15% with a negative likelihood ratio of 1.8 (5). However, Jeff Kline proposes that D-dimers can be of use with some alteration of “normal value.” In a podcast at, Dr. Kline proposed the D-dimer threshold should increase 50% from its original normal threshold for each pregnancy trimester. For example, if a normal threshold is 500ng/dL, the pregnancy-adjusted cutoffs would be: first trimester 750ng/mL, second trimester 1000ng/mL, and third trimester 1250 ng/mL (6). These adjustments are proposed for evaluation by future research, but currently have not been validated in the literature. The consensus at this time is that D-dimer is not an adequate test to rule-out PE in a pregnant patient.
Wait, Can We PERC Out Pregnant Patients?
Unfortunately, the PERC rule has not been validated in pregnancy. Kline et al performed a retrospective analysis of 1880 patients with confirmed diagnosis of acute PE. Within this cohort, both pregnant and post-partum patients showed a statistically significant difference in their results of PERC positive and PERC negative, suggesting the PERC rule is inadequate to rule-out PE in these populations (7). Dr. Kline is currently validating a modified PERC rule for pregnant patients, however no evidence for this modified test exists at this time.
Further Investigation
The American Thoracic Society (ATS) clinical guidelines for evaluation of PE in pregnancy are the most up to date and encompassing of the current literature. The ATS solicited recommendations of panelists from numerous experts in the field, including the presidents of ACOG and the Society of Nuclear Medicine. Panel participants included physicians who specialized in PE diagnostics, management, and treatment, especially in pregnant patients. These included cardiothoracic radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, pulmonologists, and obstetric gynecologists.
Below is a brief summary of the guidelines with highlights of the thought-process and supporting evidence.
Recommendation 1:
D-dimer should not be used to rule-out the presence of pulmonary embolism in a pregnant patient. (See “To D-Dimer or To Not D-Dimer?” for explanation)
Recommendation 2:
If a pregnant patient has signs/symptoms of a deep venous thromboembolism (DVT), it is recommended to investigate with bilateral lower extremity venous compression ultrasound.
This recommendation stems from the common sense that if a DVT is found, anticoagulation can begin without further investigation. This scenario can benefit the patient by avoiding radiation from further imaging of a ventilation-perfusion (VQ) or a computed-tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA), assuming the patient is hemodynamically stable. However, with the prevalence of DVTs in pregnancy being unknown, it is recommended that ultrasound should not be performed in instances where there are no signs/symptoms of DVT.
Recommendation 3:
In a pregnant patient with no signs/symptoms of DVT but with clinical suspicion of a pulmonary embolism, perform a chest x-ray (CXR) as the first imaging step.
As described by Worsley and colleagues in review of the PIOPED trial, no CXR findings have been associated with the presence or absence of a pulmonary embolism (8). However, the CXR has the opportunity to point the clinician towards an alternative diagnosis for the patient’s presenting dyspnea (eg pulmonary edema, pneumonia, etc). If no alternative diagnosis is found, the CXR is an important imaging step as it can steer the clinician to the next imaging modality, VQ vs CTPA, assuming the continued work-up of PE is pursued.
Recommendation 4/5:
In a pregnant patient with a normal CXR, the next imaging recommendation is to perform a VQ scan. In a pregnant patient with an abnormal CXR, the next imaging recommendation is to perform a CTPA.
Cahill and colleagues performed a retrospective cohort study of 304 pregnant and post-partum patients with clinical suspicion of PE. This study showed that after a normal CXR, patients were statistically more likely to obtain a diagnostic result (normal or high probability) with a VQ versus a CTPA (94% versus 70%, p<0.01). However, if the CXR was found to be abnormal, patients were statistically significant more likely to obtain a non-diagnostic VQ instead of an inconclusive CTPA (40% versus 16.4%, p<0.05), and thus the recommendation of jumping to CTPA after an abnormal CXR (3).
Recommendation 6:
In a pregnant patient with a non-diagnostic VQ, perform a CTPA.
This recommendation stems from the fact that due to high morbidity and mortality caused by PE in pregnancy, the focus should be on diagnostic certainty. Numerous studies have cited variable ranges of sensitivity and specificity of CTPA for diagnosing PE. Unfortunately, most studies exclude pregnant patients. PIOPED II, the largest study to date, also excluded pregnant patients, however the study cited a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 96% of the CTPA for PE diagnoses (9).
Summary Of Recommended Steps From The American Thoracic Society:
Adapted from Figure 1 of the American Thoracic Society Guidelines (4).
Shared Decision Making
At the end of the day, the work-up and choice of imaging will come down to shared decision-making with the patient. The primary concern for the patient and fetus is radiation exposure from VQ scan and CTPA. While consensus is that radiation exposure is most harmful to the fetus in early pregnancy, there is debate with regards to the amount of radiation exposure from a VQ VS CTPA as the pregnancy progresses. According to a blog at, Dr. Kline quantifies the radiation exposure with regards to money. 0.1 Gray is analogous to $100. CTPA is worth 25-50cents. VQ is worth 50-75 cents. And the amount of radiation necessary to increase a person’s risk of cancer to 1/1000 is $10. Thus, with CTPA and VQ causing less than $1 of radiation, the mortality caused by a pulmonary embolism greatly outweighs the risk of malignancy and it is highly recommended to err on the side of further investigation (6).
Other Things To Contemplate...
tPA In A Pregnant Patient?
Common sense tells us this is a poor idea. It is widely know that pregnancy is a relative contraindication to using tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). The risk of maternal bleeding and fetal loss is the most widely feared complication. However, case reports of PE in pregnant patients successfully treated with tPA are scattered throughout the literature.
Fasullo et al described a case of a patient at 24 weeks gestation who presented with a massive PE complicated by shock. The decision was made to administer tPA based on the patient’s hemodynamic instability. This patient stabilized within thirty minutes of administration and close obstetrical follow-up confirmed with no negative effects to the fetus. The patient was discharged without any bleeding sequelae and she delivered a healthy baby at term without fetal consequence (11). Trukhacheva et al in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Ahearn et al in Archives of Internal Medicine echoed similar scenarios (12, 13). In all cases, tPA was used as a last resort. In summary, pregnancy remains a relative contraindications to push tPA. However, the literature does demonstrate successful cases of tPA administration in pregnant patients with PE. While there insufficient data to create clinical guidelines, physicians should keep tPA in mind if all available treatment options have been exhausted.
So, if we can’t D-Dimer or PERC out pregnancy patients… Do we have to CTPE/VQ Scan EVERY pregnant patient with dyspnea for a PE?
That’s an excellent question. The answer is, no but more so – it depends. While PE in pregnant patients is a diagnosis that physicians must always bear in mind, a recent systemic review and meta-analysis by Kline et all challenges this dogma. He found that symptomatic ED pregnant patients actually had a low outcome rate of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and a lower relative risk of VTE than non-pregnant ED patients as clinicians employ a lower threshold for testing for pregnant patients with suspected PE (10). Thus, if there is another diagnosis that is more likely, prioritize that work-up over the PE work-up while keeping PE on the differential diagnosis. Clinical suspicion of the physician will ultimately guide appropriate diagnostic testing. Because PE in pregnancy has such high morbidity and mortality, clinicians must continue to maintain a high degree of clinical suspicion for this disease while balancing risks of diagnostic testing.
Expert Review
D. Mark Courtney MD MSCI
Director of Research; Associate Professor; Department of Emergency Medicine Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine [Pubmed]
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